Saturday, November 03, 2007

111 Central Park North

Walking home Tuesday night I was greeted by an unusual new sight: lights and music coming from the penthouse of 111 Central Park North, our neighborhood's new luxury landmark. Curious to see know what was going on, I asked the lady standing in front of the red carpet at the entrance if I could go in. Despite her rejection, she was at least kind enough to tell me what I was missing.

So get this...Esquire magazine has rented out the 8.5 million dollar triplex penthouse for the month preceding the building's official opening. In the coming weeks we'll see various promotional events for the lifestyle magazine as well as the brands it promotes. (Think Versace, Westin, Pioneer, Kenneth Cole, Intel, Hugo Boss, etc.). Part of the proceeds go to national and local charities. I was happy to see Harlem Village Academies in the list. It's nice to know they have tried to involve the community somewhat. Maybe someday they'll involve the people most immediately affected by the new building--we the residents of 110th and 111th Streets.

I have very mixed feelings about 111 Central Park North. While I am sad that it is making the community more expensive and pushing the real Harlemites away, I can't deny feeling excited about having such a prominent building on my street. I mean after all, I am blogging about it.

Check out the official 111 Central Park North website here. See also the special Esquire site dedicated to the building here.

Here's a video about the penthouse project...

Oh, and one more thing. Jay-Z just shot his new video "Blue Magic" there too. Where was I that day!?

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