Wednesday, October 11, 2006

חברות, ידידות

This summer I made friends with a Russian Orthodox Jew named Zelig. In two weeks I got to learn more about the Jewish faith than in a lifetime of casual outside observation. It was an unexpected blessing to be able to connect with someone so passionate about a religion so unknown to me. Zelig let me observe the Jewish Sabbath with him and visit several synogogues throughout Brooklyn. I also got a private tour of the Museum of Jewish Heritage where he is a guide. Now that I'm back in Provo I'm taking a class that compares Judaism to Mormonism to further my exploration.


Kenny said...

that's awesomely eerie. how'd you do it? photoshop filters? a mac-only weird button? i'd really like to know.

Seth Hill said...

Kenny. You guessed it. I just went crazy with the Photoshop filters and effects. It's a combo of blurs and another filter in there (I can't remember what it was.) Glad you like it.

Mooney said...

Uh... wow.