Friday, April 29, 2005

Right across the street from the temple

Sethillama meets Ben Folds for the second time.


sales? one

allergies? lots

health? ok

depression? some

concerts? Ben Folds free in-store performance/cd signing Tuesday night at Tower Records

news? new roommate: David, 23, Riverside, CA, technician, nice guy

fun? getting on the top of the Trump Tower (don't ask how)

enough? yeah

Sunday, April 24, 2005

a giant sigh of relief

This is a picture of the 12 inductees to the creative track for 2005. It was posted on Doug's door the Friday after portfolios were due.

Welcome to West New York

So my 7th semester at BYU ended last week. It was so eventful that I didn't even have time to write a thing about it. Most importantly, I got accepted into the creative track of the advertising program. Basically this means that when I graduate I'll have a nice ad portfolio and hopefully be able to work in an ad agency as either an art director or copywriter. Design classes: here I come.

A lot of other cool and not-so-cool things happened during the last four months, but I'm too lazy to write about all of them. I remember something about winning a beat-boxing contest and several trips to the BYU health center. The rest is all a blur.

As for now, I've decided to once again try my luck selling security systems door-to-door. This year it's New Jersey. I know I swore I'd never knock another door after last summer; however, the promise of another year was just too great. In other words, I was heavily recruited, hounded, and pampered by past managers and somehow got convinced.

I live now in a place called West New York, NJ. I love it. Our apartment complex overlooks the NYC skyline. Today we took the ferry to Manhattan and went to a singles ward in the city. The sassy Sara Payne was there along with New York internship faculty adviser Brad Rawlins. They accompanied Andrew and I along with some new Firstline friends on a stroll through the city. Because we all arrived late last night and have no food, we dined at a nice Chinese place by the chapel. After that we walked through Central Park and Times Square. I was mesmerized as always. Highlights included:

*seeing a djembe circle complete with capoeira and interpretive dance *pretending to be Sara's bodyguard as she sported J-Lo sunglasses and hid her face under her collar

It should be a good summer.